I`m still very busy in RL, therefore I`m a bit behind on my opdates. I`m working on my daughters bunad(norwegian national costume), which is a lot of work, and I`m also making things ready for her Confirmasjon in May. At the moment I `m also working inbetween two jobs.
Men når jeg har litt tid til overs, har det gått litt ut over visa kortet mitt LOL!!
Her har jeg kjøpt ett nytt hus på tilbud fra USA. har også bestilt litt andre småting, men det vil gå noen uker før jeg får dem
But what I do have time to inbetween, is using my visa card on the internet LOL!!
Which resulted in me bying this new house on sale, from the USA. I haven`t tryed this type of house before, so I`m very eager to get startet. I have also ordered some other tiny things, but it will take a couple of week before I get them in the mail.

Noen nye bøker i posten!
Some new books I got yesterday!
Jeg laget dette sofa bordet av minimondus kit. Har ikke fått tid til å male det enda.
I made this sofa table from a mini-mondus kit. Very easy to do,but i haven`t had time to paint it yet.