I have been to a miniture show this weekend. And I will show you some picture form there the next couple of days.
It`was actually a combination of embroderi, dollhouse and teddybear fair.
And the first one in Norway, so this was huge for us miniaturist here in Norway. And it was a succex. Everybody I have spooken to have had a great time.
On saturday I went to two difference classes.
One "how to make fimo-cakes" classes. And here you can see the result of it. Have that in mind, its my first attempt :)

It was a great class and I did learn a lot. Now I just have to keep on making fimo cakes so I wont`forget everything I`ve learned so far LOL!!
My next class was how to make purses.
Our teacher was a wonderful and talented lady named
Cilla, from Sweden

Purses are fun to make, and I will try to make some on my own for sure :)