26. nov. 2008
24. nov. 2008
22. nov. 2008
Velkommen til Bloglandia!!
Idag oppdaget jeg at hun har begynt å blogge istedet. JuHuuu!!!
Her har der linket til siden hennes "Synnøve Ett Dukkehjem" Her får vi se fortsettelsen av det franske huset og mye annet fint. Ta turen innom og kos dere!! Og husk å legge igjen spor etter dere :))
18. nov. 2008
15. nov. 2008
Noe av det jeg kjøpte på messen.

Denne skal jeg ha julehuset, når jeg engang får begynt på det. LOL!!

22. okt. 2008
More pics from the miniature show

En liten brøkdel av Christels miniatyrer

Linda Sømme sitt flotte furuskap

Mailiss søte små bamser i antikkhuset

20. okt. 2008
It`was actually a combination of embroderi, dollhouse and teddybear fair.
And the first one in Norway, so this was huge for us miniaturist here in Norway. And it was a succex. Everybody I have spooken to have had a great time.
On saturday I went to two difference classes.
One "how to make fimo-cakes" classes. And here you can see the result of it. Have that in mind, its my first attempt :)

It was a great class and I did learn a lot. Now I just have to keep on making fimo cakes so I wont`forget everything I`ve learned so far LOL!!
My next class was how to make purses.
Our teacher was a wonderful and talented lady named Cilla, from Sweden

Purses are fun to make, and I will try to make some on my own for sure :)
16. aug. 2008
Christel:: a new blogger

21. juli 2008
A gift from Island
Inside was this beautiful shelf, handmade by Kristin herself. She is a wonderwomen when it comes to scrollsaw and she makes all kinds of beauiful miniature furniture. She even made the books out of woods.
Kristin had also included some postcard from her hometown, marking her house. Now I know where she lives........ *smile* Before you know it,I`ll bee on your doorstep....hehe...
She also send me three timbles from Island, to my surprice. I didn`t have any from Island. She had been to my other blog. reading, were I happen to tell that I was collecting thimbles. It is not a very large collection, 55 in all. But they are all mine *smile*
As you can see, there is room for more.
Kristin: Tusen takk for bokhyllen, den ble kjempefin!!!
16. juni 2008
12. juni 2008
A few things....
I also love her tutorials, and when I saw these cute little sandals, I knew I had to make some of my own.
I`m also working on some embrodery. This is my first attempt on making a carpet. I`ve done pillows before, which is quick to do.

28. mai 2008
Et Dukkehjem.

Endelig er bladet kommet som vi har ventet på. Og det var nydeligt som det alltid er. Ble spesielt begeistret for Ralph Lauren stilen som vises på forsiden. Og mer flotte bilder inni bladet.

Og midt inni bladet var repotasjen om dukkehusklubben vår *stolt*
Ett flott bildet av oss alle sammen, men hvis dere vil lese det som står skrevet om oss,må dere kjøpe bladet. Det selges på Narvesen.
Kan si såpass at jeg er kjempefornøyd!!!!!!! Juhuuuu!!!!!!!!!!
In English: This is a Norwegian dollhouse mags. And this time there were a story about our dollhouse club in it. A great picture and a great story.
1. mai 2008

Janne, which unfortunately doesn`t have a blog, or else I would have put in a link right here. But she does have some very nice thing, and this is some of the pics I took that evening.

As you can see, Janne NoBlog has a very good taste in her choice of miniatures .LOL!!