I wanted to show you these two quilts and the pillowcases I made for Mimmi and Siv in the advendt calender. They are both sewn by sewingmachine and the squares is by half inch square.

The blue one Mimmi got for her calender swap.

And the red one Siv got in her swap :D
I enjoyed making these quilts and will try to make some more.
I had them displyed in the quiltstore where I work, before wrapping them in. And I got all kinds of reaction on them, mostly good ones, but some strange one too. One lady ment I had too much time on my hand,since I was able to make these. Well, you can`t please them all LOL!!
Hope you all had a joyfull new years celebration with friends and family last night. I sure did :D
Wish You all the very best for the new year to come.
Hugs Rita