22. aug. 2010

A Visit To Miniseum



Once again I have spendt my summer vacation in Denmark. It`s allways good to be back “home” :D. I love spending my vacation in Denmark even if its just for one week. There is allways someting to do for the whole familiy.


And this year as well I had desided I wanted to visit Birthe at Miniseum. It`s always a joy to see all the fun and beautiful things to buy in her store.I had even prepared a list, to make sure  I didn`t forget anything.


I could have been there all day, but whith a husband waiting  in the car….well, I guess we`ve all been there LOL!!

Enjoy the pics.

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Bye for now!!

Hugs Rita

10 kommentarer:

Les Miniatures de Béatrice sa...

Thank you for sharing!

Unknown sa...

¡Precioso viaje y preciosa tienda!
Muchas gracias por enseñarnos ese sitio tan lleno de maravillas.
Espero que comprases lo necesario :)
Besos Clara.

Susanne sa...

I like to be at and buy from Miniseum and Birthe too. I hope you had a nice holiday in DK!
Love, Susanne

Anonym sa...

Ohhhhhhh for a day you must have had. The houses must be something out of this world to see all together.
I enjoyed your photos.

Sans! sa...

Thank you for sharing, Rita. :) I will be in heaven if I step into a place like this!

Mimmi sa...

Tenk at jeg aldri har vært der... håper jeg kan ta en tur dit en gang jeg også. Kjekt å se bilder :-)

Jody sa...

Hi Rita, you have a nice blog and The chair-workshop from Josje did I have made to, in Holland!

greetings Jody.

rosanna sa...

Fabulous place!! How could you get out of there? Rosanna

Patty sa...

Rita, What a wonderful Miniature store!!! So much to see! Thanks for sharing them with us!

TINK - SONIA sa...

Amazing Miniseum!!Miniregards.