30. des. 2009
9. des. 2009
Secret friend swap
I participated in a secret friend swap in a norwegian dollhouse forum. And I got this nice christmas pillow and wallhanging.
“God Jul” means Merry Christmas in norwegian.
I have figure out who my secret friend is.
Thank U, Tove :D Tusen takk, den var kjempefin :D
29. okt. 2009
Get together!
Tuesday was our monthly clubmeeting again and we were going to try to make these tiny cupcakes . As some of you might remember, I bought Christel`s DVD and cupcake mold a couple of month ago.
We met at Anne Mari`s place, and she had made these very tasteful cupcakes for us to eat while we were working.
This is what I managed to make for one evening. Not very productive, I know….but I had to eat some of Anne Mari`s delicious cupcakes in between offcourseLOL!!
10. sep. 2009
The Swap!
I participate a swap in a norwegian dollhouse forum. The topic was “shabby chic”
This is what I made
And this is what I got in return
Made by Anne Mari. She has a website for you to vistit. She is a very talented lady :)
And this beautiful flower is made by Siv. Unfortunately she has no blog. But she is a very talented lady as well.
Thank you Anne Mari and Siv!!!
Take care!!:)
6. sep. 2009
New Things
These are things I bought at the miniature-show
Handmade shelf and stool made by Kristìn Trampe from Iceland
These were handmade by Solveig Marie Guldbrandsen. Some off them are already in my quiltstore.
These I bought from Christel Jensen. I was lucky enough to buy her new cupcake CD and mold. Juhuuuu :)
And talk about beeing lucky, I also won the raffle…..three times. *shock* I never win,so this was an über schock for me *glad*
See U soon !!
3. sep. 2009
The Quilt-Store
My dream has always been to have my very own quilt-store. But since I started to work in a quiltstore about two years ago, I have put my dream aside. Becouse I couldn`t have ask for a better job than the one I have now. I am in fabric heaven. And my boss is the best. So why not make one in miniature instead. LOL!! And of course I had to put my name on it. :)
It`s not finished yet, there are still a lot of things to do, but I had to finish the front so it could be a part of the exebition.
I am very pleased with it and the way it turned out.
The note on the door says “openinghours”
It`s importen that the customer knows theire visiting houres. LOL!!!:)
Have a nice day!!!!!
2. sep. 2009
More Pictures From the Mini-Show
I took a class with Solveig Marie Gulbrandsen, on how to make a corset. Solveig Marie is such a great teacher and she is full of ideas on how to do things.
And here it is, all finished up ( thanks heaven for tacy glue :)
Some pics of the other corset there were made.
The next class I went to was making sunflowers.
I just love those little weeds we put in there whith the sunflower. Just like home LOL!!
I also bought an extra kit, and made this one when I got back home.
St. Paulia
No weeds there :)
1. sep. 2009
Miniature Show
This weekend I have been to a miniature show in my hometown, Stavanger. It was great meeting new and old friends who shares the same passion for mini`s like I do. I also went to some classes, but first I will show you some great pictures from our dollhouse exhibition.
The Orchid made by Toril, Bryggen: Anette and the last one ,the quiltstore, is mine
In front I don`t know who made those, but they were part of a class this weekend
The beautiful doll: Tove
These tiny, thiny dollhouses were made by Solveig Marie
And at last, two beautiful “candleboxes” made by Tove.
I just love that Santa, he is so laid back isn`t he LOL!!
The next few days I will show you some more pics from the show
See U Then!! :)
24. juli 2009
Back from my holiday.
Time just flies in the summertime. I thougth I would do more blogging at this time of year,but that didn`t happen.
I`ve just come back from our vacation. We drove thru Sweden, Spend like two nights there before we drove of to Copenhagen. We went shopping and sightseing and of course we had to visit Tivoli.This huge carnival in the center of Copenhagen.I love Copenhagen, and I hope this was not my last visit. After three days there, we where on the road again.
Our finial destination was Løkken, where we had hire a summerhouse for a whole week. My sister and her family was there , and we had a great time there as well.
In Denmark I visit Miniseum. Sorry no picture inside or of the things I bought. I simpley lost track of time while I was shopping and talking to Lady who owned the shop. Kids and husband was waiting for me in the car. Thank heaven for DS game LOL!!!
When I got home, I started to renovate my dollhouse dinnerroom.
This is before picture
Actually, I forgot to take any before pics.Here I`ve allready painted the floor and put up the wooden panel.
and after picture
I still have a lot to do in here, but I am in no hurry.
See U
Hugs Rita
12. juni 2009
Yesterday I had som Miniature-friends over for some workshop. Anne Mari,who has a great web-site. She has some beautiful dollhouses to show you. And Janne, who just started her new blog.
So please take a few min. and pop over to the both of them and say hi.
We made some mini-can made of paper. We found the tutorial at Marlies blog. And this is what we manage to make, between all the talking and browsing the nett for minis and just having a good time.
These two are the one I manage to make. Now I have to find a spot for them in my dollhouse. That shouldn`t be a problem.
See U soon!!
Hugs Rita
28. mai 2009
The Quilt
Wow it`s been more than two months since my last blogging. But I manage to finish my 3 bunads in time.*glad*
I have been working on and off on this little quilt for some time now. It`s not quit done yet, but no more little squares to be sewn.These squares are 1/2x1/2” and the full size of the quilt is 5x6” and it is all handmade.
Hope to be back soon.
See U!!
25. mars 2009
So insted I wanted to show this little video my daughter made and put on youtube. Its about our beautiful familiy dog, Tanya!These are photos she has taken (on my digitalcamera) over the years . She used Photoshop to put it all together.
Tanya is a mixed breed between Sheatland sheepdog and Collie. She is 8 years old and still playfull and fun since the first day we got her. We all love her so much!
18. mars 2009

25. feb. 2009
Thank You :)

I got this award from Jean Day. Thank you so much. I really do appreciate this. *hug*
With this award I must list five addictions and pass it on to five great blogs.
So here I go....
1. My family, husband and our two children
2. Everything about miniatures..offcourse. :)
3. Quilting. I love to sew.
4. I`m a fabricholic and I`m proud of it. LOL! yes I do collect them.
5. I just have to have my daily cup of chocolatecoffe.....my moment of zen *smile*
And then I have to pass it on......oh this is hard, there so many blogs out there that I read and enjoy so much.But here I go......
1. Christel
2. Mita
3. Marlies
4. Loten
Have a nice day